In-Home Physical Therapy
Do you suffer from a serious injury? Experiencing chronic pain or suffering from restricted mobility? About nine million Americans go through physical therapy each year. Living with pain or limited mobility due to an injury can be very hard. You cannot do what you used to do anymore. However, you can still fully recover through physical therapy.
Physical therapy is a rehabilitative treatment involving exercise and equipment to help patients regain their physical abilities. People needing physical therapy include people who need pain management, have just undergone surgery, or those who have mobility issues due to injury or disease.
Why choose us?
Sunshine Home Healthcare offers the best in-home physical therapy to patients in Northern Virginia and its surrounding areas. We are rated 5-stars in Home Health Care and have been in the industry for many years. We have a team of licensed physical therapists and healthcare experts who have years of experience in physiotherapy and who will put the patient’s well being as their priority.
Sunshine Home Healthcare aims to provide state of the art at home healthcare services as well as develop a connection to the patients and their families to be able to understand the patient’s pain; enabling us to fully create a treatment plan that meets their needs. We will evaluate your condition through your family history as well as a series of physical exams; then we will create a short term and long-term plans of care personally made for you and your needs. Moreover, we will help you manage your pain and prevent further injuries.
What are our services?
Sunshine Home Healthcare Physical Therapy services include, but are not limited to: